Community Support - Holt Cares

Holt Veterinary Clinic is proud to support our community.


LEAP Program - Lending Economic Assistance for Pets

We are honored to serve as a pilot North Texas participant in a collaborative program between VNA Meals on Wheels, the Texas Veterinary Medical Foundation, and local veterinary practices. This program provides free care to qualified Meals on Wheels clients' pets. The LEAP philosophy is that caring for a pet - and feeling needed - encourages people to stay active and engaged.

A Holt Angel volunteer transports each LEAP pet to our hospital for vaccines and medical treatment. Our guests also receive a bath and nail trim, too, as appropriate, and our volunteer returns them home with parasite preventative and/or medication.

Click here to learn more about the LEAP program. To contribute to the LEAP program, contact Watch our videos below to learn about some special projects we've handled.


Holt Veterinary Clinic Scholarship honoring David W. Baxter, DVM

We celebrate our friend, Dr. David W. Baxter, who was the second owner of Holt, through this endowed scholarship for Texas A & M veterinary students. This fund was created from the gifts of family, friends, staff and clients who remember Dr. B's kindness, humor and passion for mentoring. In celebration of our 75th anniversary, we will be making an additional contribution to this fund in Dr. Baxter's honor.

To contribute to Dr. B's scholarship, you may send a check payable to the TEXAS A & M FOUNDATION (designated for "Holt Veterinary Clinic Scholarship honoring David W. Baxter, DVM" in the memo line) to:

College of Veterinary Medicine
Re: Holt Veterinary Clinic Scholarship honoring Dr. David W. Baxter, DVM
O.J. Woytek, DVM, Director of Development
4461 TAMU
Texas A & M University
College Station, Texas 77843-4461


Our annual gift to the Morris Animal Foundation honors clients' pets by supporting worldwide scientific research to improve companion animal quality of life.

Some Holt Veterinary Clinic pets also participate in the Golden Retriever Lifetime Study, which is the biggest prospective canine health study in the United States. Its purpose is to identify environmental, nutritional, lifestyle and genetic risk factors associated with cancer and other diseases in dogs. Click here to learn more and donate to the Morris Animal Foundation.

Contact us today if you'd like to learn more about how we give back to our community.

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